"So Steve, how's the book doing?"

It’s a question I keep getting asked. Until yesterday, I wasn’t sure how to respond.

I’ve sold a couple of hundred copies, some via Amazon and some I’ve sold directly, and the book launch is still a month away, so I guess that’s pretty good. I suppose if sales are the measure of how the book is doing, I won’t know until after the main publicity burst around the launch on 26 March.

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If visits to my Squarespace website where the novel is featured are any guide, interest is growing.

There are now three bookshops - Readings in Carlton, the National Library Bookshop and Book Face in Gungahlin - who have agreed to stock it, and a number of other Canberra and Melbourne bookshops are looking at it as I type. So that’s good.

We have 122 people who have sent RSVPs to say they’re coming to the Book Launch. That’s exciting.

But I was reminded again yesterday, when I friend told me she was about to read the book for the second time, that none of the above are the metrics that matter. It’s what people have been saying about the experience of reading the book.

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An American teacher wrote to me via Twitter last week, and it’s comments like these which make me feel that the book is doing just what I hoped it would do.

The Harriet page on my website has most of these comments, and the short film here has snippets from many of them.